Southwest Beef Cavatappi with Poblano and Smokey Red Pepper Crema

I cooked this creamy and delicious pasta dish.

I washed the poblano and scallions, sliced the poblano, and chopped the scallions.

I  put the cavatappi in boiling water until al dente.

I  made the sauce by cooking the poblano and the beef in a pan. 

Then I stirred in the drained cavatappi with the sauce in the pan.

Finally, I divided the pasta between bowls, topped it with scallion greens, and served it.



  1. That looks so delicious. I don’t even know the names of the ingredients šŸ‘šŸ¼

  2. Mmmm, looks so yummy! Perhaps someday I will try this recipe too! Thank you for sharing~

  3. I am very tempted to try this recipe, it looks so delicious!


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