Cooking Dinner with Kayleigh

Yesterday my friend Kayleigh came over to my house to visit me. We painted the turtle that I made in school. We also watched a movie, Ice Age, on TV. 

After we played for a while, we decided to make dinner.  

We chose to bake chicken quesadillas. We went to Lucky to shop for ingredients. 

Kayleigh made the cheese sauce and mixed it with shredded chicken. 

We put the filling into the tortillas and folded them in half.

We put the quesadillas into the oven and baked them until golden brown and crispy.  

The quesadillas were yummy and fresh out of the oven.

Kayleigh also made watermelon lemonade for me. The drink was very delicious and refreshing.  

I had fun hanging out with my friend Kayleigh. 


  1. It’s wonderful that you had a great time with your friend. The quesadillas look mouthwatering!

  2. Although it's hard for me to pronounce Quesadilla, it is delicious and has a very Mexican flavor!

  3. I made it the Quesadilla.


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