The Number One Baked Potato

I prepared my favorite baked potato with Argentina's wild red shrimp to celebrate Argentina winning the World Cup. 

First, I washed the potatoes and dried them. Then, I pierced the potato skin.

Next, I put the potatoes in the sandwich bag. I put the olive oil in the bag, coated the potatoes, and sprinkled them with salt.

I put the potatoes in the oven until golden brown. Meanwhile, I prepared the fillings with avocados, shrimp, and salsa. 

After the potatoes were taken out of the oven, I cut the potatoes in the center lightly. I put the sour cream inside the potatoes and added the fillings.

The potatoes were warm and fresh with fancy homemade fillings. It’s number one!


  1. Interesting connection. You're awesome! 🥇

  2. This sounds delicious! I'd love to try this out sometime


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